Students already have some knowledge about atoms, particles etc. from which a matter is made up of and also about molecules.
Q1) Can you tell the main element for building a house?
Q2) Imagine you have got a pearl necklace which is made up of so many individual pearls. Now can you tell me according to this chapter of chemistry, what name should be given to the individual pearl and the pearl necklace? -
Topics to be covered in this chapter: -
Definition of Atoms and Molecules; Laws of chemical combinations; John Dalton’s Atomic Theory; Symbols of the Elements along with their full name; Atomic masses, Ratio by mass and Simplest Ratio; Charges of the elements; Chemical symbols or formulae; Atomicity; Mole concept and Numericals based on it.
Students will be able to explain and distinguishes between atoms and molecules
⁎ They will be able to explain and relate the laws of chemical combinations.
⁎ They will be able to explain John Dalton’s Atomic Theory and its postulates.
⁎ They will be able to derive the chemical symbols on their own
⁎ They will be able solve the numerical of mole concept.
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